Strategic Plan

Our mission is to promote the operation, maintenance and improvement of California harbors, ports and navigation projects that demonstrate responsible stewardship and benefit the regional and national economy. Our vision is that California’s ports and harbors are recognized and supported as the nation’s gateway to international trade.


A. Obtaining Funding

Goal 1 – Obtain increased funding for operations and maintenance, construction, new starts, continuing authority programs and studies.

Year 1 – 5% increase
Year 2 – 10% increase
Year 3 – 15% increase

Assignment – Federal Committee/ Communication Committee/ Strategic Planning Committee

Goal 2 – California maritime user fees to be returned to California projects.

Year 1 – Implementation plan in place
Years 3-5 – 50% of Harbor Maintenance Tax returned
–100% of Boating & Waterways fees returned

Assignment – State Committee/ Federal Committee/ Small Craft Facilities Committee

B. Influencing Environmental Policy

Goal 1 – Influence environmental policy proactively by partnering with environmental agencies in the planning stages of policy development.

Year 1 – Develop implementation plan and relevant position papers
Year 2 – Convene three (3) high level, networking meetings with State and/or Federal regulatory agencies with follow up action taken in timely manner to influence policy

Assignment – Environmental Committee/ State Committee/ Small Craft Facilities Committee/ Federal Committee

C. Strengthening Internal Organization

Goal 1 – Develop and implement a succession plan for the executive director position, lobbying efforts, and structure of organization, board of directors and committees.

Year 1 – Develop the succession plan
Year 2-3 – Implement plan

Assignment – Strategic Planning Committee/ Executive Committee

Goal 2 – Prepare a White Paper examining long-term viability of CMANC including potential affiliation with other organizations and/or expanding CMANC’s mission to include all U.S. Army Corps of Engineers civil works.

Year 1 – Research
Year 2 – Prepare and distribute White Paper

Assignment – Strategic Planning Committee/ Executive Committee

D. Developing Marketing and Communications

Goal 1 – Identify and implement strategic alliances (e.g. CAPA, Farm Bureau, AAPA, RR, etc.)

Year 1 – Identify potential alliances and associated benefits (e.g. shared lobbying east, etc.)

Year 2-3 – Have two to three formal alliances in place

Assignment – Ad Hoc Committee consisting of past CMANC chairpersons/ Executive Committee/ Strategic Planning Committee

Goal 2 – Obtain recognition of excellence for one or more communication products

Year 1 – Design and produce collateral communications material
Year 2-3 – Submit communication material for consideration of award to
appropriate organizations

Assignment – Communications Committee

Strategic Planning Cycle

The Committee strongly urges the organization to incorporate administrative procedures, or possibly by laws, to protect and perpetuate the Strategic Plan. Taking into consideration that CMANC convenes membership conferences only quarterly, the Committee suggests the following 3-year cycle for updating the plan.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
  Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1. Implementation X X X X X X X X X X X X
2. Review Implementation Progress & Validity of Strategic Assumptions               X        
3. Plan Update/Revision Session                 X      
4. Recommend Changes                   X    
5. Board Review                     X  
6. Membership Approval                       X


Implementation & Monitoring of the Plan

In recognition that CMANC has a volunteer membership and limited resources, the planning committee developed several suggestions to optimize successful implementation of the strategic plan.

  • Develop a strategic plan orientation programs for committee and committee chairs assigned to implement a strategic goal.
  • Consider making committee chairs a two-year appointment to provide continuity to strategic plan implementation.
  • Consider changing the committee structure to deal more effectively with operational issues and strategic goals.
  • Develop a standard format for committee reports that clearly identifies progress towards strategic goals.
  • Strengthen committee oversight by CMANC officers to ensure that resources are focused or strategic activities.
  • Assist each committee chair who has been assigned a strategic goal in the development of an implementation plan and schedule.

Strategic Focus

CMANC is a respected, dynamic organization that has served its maritime membership for many decades. Over that time, many previous “strategic” objectives have now become normal, day-to-day operational activities. Examples include Washington D.C. visits, position papers, liaison with the Corps of Engineers, convening quarterly conferences, and reactive responses to external (and internal) circumstances. In developing the strategic plan, the Committee recognized that day-to-day operational activities might distract organizational resources away from strategic activities.

The Committee urges current and future CMANC leadership to remain focused on strategic goals. Only with dedicated leadership, focused on the future, can CMANC continue to fulfill the needs of its members, continue to be a dynamic force, and effectively influence legislative policy.

Registration and Guest Room Reservations open for 2024 Fall Meeting.